Experience 'Seoul' coffee in the heart of the city.
🚩 Address
66-31 Ikseon-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
🗺️Google map
🕦 Open
11AM to 10PM
🍰 Menu
🍹 Signature menu
Organic sweet
rice drink
If you’re visiting Ikseon-dong, Seoul Coffee is a must-stop destination. Nestled in a charming traditional hanok-style building, this cafe blends the essence of Korean heritage with modern coffee culture. Their signature ang-butter is a must-try, often drawing both foreign and local crowds. Pair it with a coffee for a delightful experience. The café also offers takeout, so you can bring home a bit of their famous ang-butter. If you’re exploring the area, this is one spot you won’t want to miss!
If you’re visiting Ikseon-dong, Seoul Coffee is a must-stop destination. Nestled in a charming traditional hanok-style building, this cafe blends the essence of Korean heritage with modern coffee culture. Their signature ang-butter is a must-try, often drawing both foreign and local crowds. Pair it with a coffee for a delightful experience. The café also offers takeout, so you can bring home a bit of their famous ang-butter. If you’re exploring the area, this is one spot you won’t want to miss!
Company : 주식회사 만월회
사업자등록번호 : 665-86-01867 I 대표자 : 박제영
주소 : 경기 용인시 기흥구 서천로201번길 14, 프리미엄원희캐슬 355호 (농서동)
Tel : 070-7714-7002 I Fax : 0504-377-7050
계좌번호 : 국민은행 (주)만월회 422037-04-008206
고객센터 : 070-7714-7002
월-금 9:00-18:00 (주말/공휴일 제외)
점심시간 12:00-13:00
통신판매업신고번호 : 제2020-용인기흥-2241호
호스팅 제공자 : (주)아임웹
ⓒ2020. (주)만월회 all right reserved.